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RedShelf  by Redshelf 

  • Reading System RedShelf 
  • Vendor Redshelf
  • OS: Windows 
  • Browser: Chrome 
  • Tested with Braille: No
  • Tested with Screenreader: No
  • Input type: Keyboard

Results for Visual Adjustments: 100%

Last updated: 6 May 2022

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Visual Adjustments, version 1.0.0 . These results are based on an older test book revision. A newer version of Visual Adjustments is available.

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


All the tests in the Visual Adjustments evaluation protocol are passed. Furthermore, there are controls to adjust margins, line spacing and letter spacing. Some controls for visual adjustments are rather buried. The user should turn on Personal view in the main menu, then they appear beneath this toggle.

Test results for Visual Adjustments
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
visual-010 Change font size Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to change (increase/decrease) the size of the font. The font size change should apply uniformly on all the book content including the Table of Contents, Footnotes, Page List, Notes and Bookmarks. Pass At the top right of the screen there are + and - buttons to zoom in and out. The text size can be adjusted through a wide range.
visual-110 Change background and foreground color Change background and foreground colour (May be through reading system feature or through OS settings). Pass Options for default, sepia and night are provided. This is selected with Main menu / Display options / Personal view / Colors
visual-210 Change brightness Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to change (increase/decrease) the screen brightness. Pass Screen brightness is adjusted through the device or OS controls.
visual-310 Apply high contrast system configuration The reading system interface and book content except images should respect the high contrast mode (invert colors) if present in the Operating System. Pass The Windows high contrast setting is not respected by Chrome. However, this can be achieved using extension "High contrast" from the Chrome store. The feature can then be toggled with shift+F11.
visual-410 Magnify the User Interface(UI) Use the controls available in the application or else in the operating system to magnify the Reading System screen. All aspects of the User Interface such as Menus, Pop-up Windows, Dialog Boxes and Search Box should get magnified uniformly. Pass The size of the text and buttons in the user interface can be adjusted using the browser zoom feature, the display of the app is responsive and the experience works well.
visual-510 Change Font Choose from a selection of fonts, including sans-serif and serif options. Pass Several sans serif and serif options are provided, including OpenDyslexic. This is selected with Main menu / Display options / Personal view / Font. The body text changed, but the text in some headings in the test title did not reflect the user preference.
visual-610 Support for SVG Check if a image is displayed below this paragraph. This image is in SVG format. Pass The gray circle is displayed as expected
visual-710 Enlarge SVG image Check if the image given in the previous test can be enlarged. Pass Within the app itself, the image smoothly changes size with the zoom feature. The image can be also be enlarged using the magnification feature of the OS.

Results for Read Aloud: 87.5%

Last updated: 6 May 2022

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Read Aloud, version 1.0.0 . These results are based on an older test book revision. A newer version of Read Aloud is available.

These tests were done by Richard Orme.


The read aloud feature is simple to use and has good controls for voice and navigation. The RedShelf online app passes all read aloud tests, except that the emphasis or highlight color cannot be changed.

Test results for Read Aloud
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
ReadAloud-010 The content can be read aloud Focus on the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence and initiate reading with text-to-speech using a feature of the reading system. Pass The play/pause button is located next to the bookmark icon in the top right of the page. The reading starts at the top of the currently displayed text. Next to the play/pause button is a button with three dots in a vertical line. This offers more options for read aloud. There are controls to move the reading position back and forward, and to read from top.
ReadAloud-110 Stop and resume reading Initiate reading from any point in the book. Stop Read Aloud and note the last read position. Initiate reading again using the Read Aloud feature and check if reading starts at the last read location. Pass The pause feature performs as expected. It resumes from the last spoken word.
ReadAloud-210 The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user, keeping the text being spoken in view. Pass The display scrolls to keep the text being read in view. The read aloud stops at the bottom of the current content.
ReadAloud-310 All text should be read in the proper order Sample text has been provided below to test the reading order. The Paragraph 2 should be read after Paragraph 1 by the Read Aloud feature. Note that visually Paragraph 2 is placed to the left of Paragraph 1 but it is second in the reading order. Pass The text is read in the correct order.
ReadAloud-410 Change Read Aloud reading speed It should be possible to adjust (increase/decrease) the speed of reading. Pass The "More text to speech controls" button is next to play. This provides for adjusting the read aloud rate and volume. The user preferences can be saved in Main menu / Text to speech.
ReadAloud-510 Text to Speech handles punctuations and document structure appropriately When Read Aloud is activated, there should be slight pauses after headings, list items etc., rather than reading as if it is one continuous section of text. Pass The text is read aloud as expected.
ReadAloud-610 Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud Check if the Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud. Pass The paragraph being spoken is highlighted with a differentiated background. An underline emphasizes the currently spoken word.
ReadAloud-710 The emphasis or highlight colour can be changed Activate Read Aloud feature as described in the previous test. Change the colour of emphasis or visual highlight of the text being read aloud using any feature available in the reading system or the operating system. The users should have a choice of different colours for text highlighting. Fail The visual highlighting cannot be customized or turned off.

Results for Extended Descriptions: 100%

Test book used: Accessibility Tests Extended Descriptions, version 1.1.1 .

Test results for Extended Descriptions
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
extdescription-010 Detection and Utilization of HTML Details and Summary elements Check if you can use HTML details and summary successfully and read the extended description contained in it. Pass The details element is displayed as expected.
extdescription-020 Technique for linking to a single extended description placed in a separate HTML file via text hyperlinks Check if activating the hyperlink placed under the image takes you to a separate HTML file with extended descriptions, and the back link there brings you back to the image. Pass The links are displayed as expected, and Thorium displays the extended description and visually returns to the correct place in the publication as expected.

Results for Mathematics: 100%

Test book used: Accessibility Tests Mathematics, version 1.1.1 .

Test results for Mathematics
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
mathml-010 Navigating block MathML with assistive technology and other technologies The test checks if block MathML works with assistive technology and related technologies. Pass The math expression is displayed as expected.
mathml-020 Navigating inline MathML with assistive technology and other technologies The test checks if inline MathML works with assistive technology and related technologies. Pass The math expression is displayed as expected.
math-image-030 Navigating Block Math images followed by Summary/Details with MathML The test checks if block MathML works with assistive technology and related technologies in a HTML Summary/Details as an option to get at the native MathML. Pass The math expression is displayed as expected.
math-image-040 Navigating Inline Math images followed by commented out MathML This test shows an inline math expression as an image with only alt-text describing the math equation. This is not ideal but if a publisher can not use raw mathML directly this is an option for reprocessing in the future. Pass The math expression is displayed as expected.