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EasyReader (German)   by Dolphin Computer Access Ltd.  

  • Reading System EasyReader (German)  
  • Vendor Dolphin Computer Access Ltd.
  • Assistive Technology: Voiceover 
  • OS: iOS 
  • Tested with Braille: No
  • Tested with Screenreader: Yes
  • Input type: Touch

Results for Non-visual Reading: 78.57%

Last updated: 14 December 2021

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Non-Visual Reading, version 1.0.0 . These results are based on an older test book revision. A newer version of Non-visual Reading is available.


EasyReader 2.15/ iOS 15/ VoiceOver. This app was tested with the German interface. The app is designed for reading the e-books with the built-in screen reader VoiceOver. Most of the accessibility aspects for non-visual reading are provided.

Test results for Non-visual Reading
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
reading-010 Initiate "read from here" Focus on the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence and initiate reading. Reading should continue until interrupted by the user or at the end of the current document, e.g. current chapter. The text being read should preferably remain in view, but this is not a requirement to pass the test. Pass I selected a section and VoiceOver began to read the text aloud. Eventually, I stopped the screen reader.
reading-110 Stop and resume reading Initiate reading from any point in the book. Stop reading and note the last read position. Initiate reading again and check if reading starts at the last read location. Fail I stopped and started reading again. Unfortunately the screen reader didn’t resume reading at the last position but started at the beginning of the sentence.
reading-210 All text should be read in the proper order Sample text has been provided to test the reading order. The Paragraph 2 should be read after Paragraph 1. Note that visually Paragraph 2 is placed to the left of Paragraph 1 but it is second in the reading order. Pass I didn’t interrupt the screen reader and it read the text aloud in a coherent manner. After section 1, section 2 was read aloud and so on.
reading-310 Image alternate text reading Ensure that the alternate text for the image is available. Pass The alt text and the given text match.
reading-410 Change reading speed It should be possible to adjust (increase/decrease) the speed of reading. This test should be performed using the Assistive Technology being used for accessibility evaluation. Pass I could increase the reading speed and VoiceOver changed the pace accordingly.
reading-510 TTS allows pause for headings, paragraphs, list items, etc The user should be able to identify the difference between content items such as headings, paragraphs or list items by sufficient pauses in the TTS reading or appropriate formatting in the Braille device. Pass The heading is read aloud separately. Sentences with a comma are read aloud separately too. Same applies for the list entries.
reading-610 Navigate between the cells, rows and columns in the table Check if you can navigate between the rows and columns of the table Pass By swiping I could navigate between the cells, rows and columns in the table. While doing so the heading of the current table position was always announced.
reading-710 Navigate between internal hyperlinks Check if you can navigate between internal hyperlinks. Pass In the rotor I selected the link list and by swiping vertically I could navigate to each link.
reading-810 Move to the next block item Check if you can move to the next available page element e.g. paragraph, image or table by using a common key/gesture like swipe right, down arrow etc. Pass In the „navigation settings“ I selected the option „standard navigation“ and I moved to next block item.
reading-910 Navigate by characters Check if it is possible to navigate to next and previous character in the book text by way of any command or gesture. Pass Within VoiceOver I selected „navigation by characters“ and by swiping I could read character by character.
reading-1010 Navigate by words Check if it is possible to navigate to next and previous word in the book text by way of any command or gesture. Pass Same procedure as mentioned in the previous test but this time I selected „navigation by words“.
reading-1110 Navigate by lines Check if it is possible to navigate to next and previous line in the book text by way of any command or gesture. Fail Usually VoiceOver provides the navigation by lines but in this test e-book I couldn’t find it.
reading-1210 Navigate the content by headings Check if you can move to the next and previous headings in this book without using the Table of Contents. Pass For this test I selected „navigate by headings“ within VoiceOver.
reading-1310 Select and copy text Reading systems should provide the ability to copy pieces of text that could be used for notes, in quotations, or to facilitate searching terms contained in the book. In some cases, this could be achieved using an AT such as a screen reader, for instance with a dedicated cursor or other procedures. No answer I navigated to the beginning of the text that I wanted to copy. Within the rotor of VoiceOver I activated „select text“ and then I choose the option „select lines“. By swiping I selected the text by lines until I reached the end of the chosen section. After that I selected „edit“ and then „copy“ within the rotor. The selected text was read aloud and at the end I got the information "copied".

Results for Read Aloud: 100%

Last updated: 1 July 2024

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Read Aloud, version 1.0.0 . These results are based on an older test book revision. A newer version of Read Aloud is available.


EasyReader 2.15/ iOS 15/ VoiceOver. This app was tested with the German interface. The read aloud feature is suitable for reading the text. All requirements are met.

Test results for Read Aloud
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
ReadAloud-010 The content can be read aloud Focus on the beginning of a paragraph or a sentence and initiate reading with text-to-speech using a feature of the reading system. Pass I selected a heading and the read aloud feature started reading the text.
ReadAloud-110 Stop and resume reading Initiate reading from any point in the book. Stop Read Aloud and note the last read position. Initiate reading again using the Read Aloud feature and check if reading starts at the last read location. Pass I stopped and resumed the read aloud feature. When resuming the read aloud feature repeates the last word which I don’t mind.
ReadAloud-210 The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user The Read Aloud feature should continue until interrupted by the user, keeping the text being spoken in view. Pass The read aloud feature continued until I interrupted it eventually. The text was visible on the reading screen.
ReadAloud-310 All text should be read in the proper order Sample text has been provided below to test the reading order. The Paragraph 2 should be read after Paragraph 1 by the Read Aloud feature. Note that visually Paragraph 2 is placed to the left of Paragraph 1 but it is second in the reading order. Pass
ReadAloud-410 Change Read Aloud reading speed It should be possible to adjust (increase/decrease) the speed of reading. Pass Yes, it is possible to change the reading speed but to make the adjustment is very complicated.
ReadAloud-510 Text to Speech handles punctuations and document structure appropriately When Read Aloud is activated, there should be slight pauses after headings, list items etc., rather than reading as if it is one continuous section of text. Pass All requirements are met.
ReadAloud-610 Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud Check if the Text is emphasised as it is spoken by read aloud. Pass The sentence being read aloud is highlighted in color. Same applies for the word being read aloud but the color of the visual highlight differs. As soon as the next sentence is read aloud, the visual highlight changes accordingly. The section being read aloud is always in the center of the reading screen. When reaching the end of the reading screen, the reading software scrolls down automatically.
ReadAloud-710 The emphasis or highlight colour can be changed Activate Read Aloud feature as described in the previous test. Change the colour of emphasis or visual highlight of the text being read aloud using any feature available in the reading system or the operating system. The users should have a choice of different colours for text highlighting. Pass Various color options are provided.

Results for Media Overlays: 84.62%

Last updated: 1 July 2024

Test book used: Advanced Accessibility Tests: Media Overlays, version 1.0.0 .


EasyReader 2.15/ iOS 15/ VoiceOver. This app was tested with the German interface. Generally, EasyReader supports the media overlay playback and provides great accessibility to navigate them. Most of the features have passed the test.

Test results for Media Overlays
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
MOA-BASIC-010 Media Overlays Playback Tests whether playback of Media Overlays is supported. Pass You don’t get the notification that the media overlay playback is available. The text is read aloud by a female voice although the read aloud voice of the built-in feature is a male one. So I can assume that the playback works. This test passes.
MOA-BASIC-020 Pause and resume from the same position, without closing the book Tests whether media overlay playback resumes at correct location after pause Pass I paused and resumed. The playback starts from the correct position.
MOA-BASIC-030 Resume playback from last position on opening a book Tests whether playback resumes even when the book is closed and opened again. Pass
MOA-NAV-010 Section Navigation - Previous/Next Phrase Tests whether previous/next phrase navigation is supported. Fail I could find a „rewind/ fast-forward for 15 secs“ command but there was no „previous/next phrase“ command or control.
MOA-NAV-020 Navigate to previous section Tests whether navigation to previous section is supported. Pass Through the rotor I selected „headings“ and moved to the previous section.
MOA-NAV-030 Navigate to next section Tests whether navigation to next section is supported. Pass Same procedure as for the previous test.
MOA-NAV-040 Navigate with pagelist Tests whether navigation to pages is possible using the page list or go to page feature. Pass I selected the page list navigation. After that I could choose a page and the playback started at the desire location.
MOA-NAV-050 Move to next page Tests whether navigation to next reflowed page is supported when media overlay is playing. Pass Within the navigation options I selected „by page“ and I could move to the next page.
MOA-NAV-060 Move to previous page Tests whether navigation to previous reflowed page is supported when media overlay is playing. Pass Same procedure as for the previous test.
MOA-NAV-070 Text and media overlay synchronization Tests whether media overlay is synchronized with text display. Pass
MOA-NAV-080 Set and navigate to bookmarks Tests whether bookmarks can be set and navigated to while media overlay is playing. Pass I set a bookmark and via the bookmark feature I could then navigate to the highlighted section. The playback started at the correct location.
MOA-NAV-090 Section Navigation - TOC Tests whether navigation to a new section is supported. Fail Within the TOC I could select the stated section but the text being read aloud by the playback differs.
MOA-NAV-100 Continuous playback across page turns Tests whether Media Overlay playback across page turns is supported. Pass

Results for Extended Descriptions: 100%

Last updated: 16 December 2021

Test book used: Accessibility Tests Extended Descriptions, version 1.1.1 .


EasyReader 2.15/ iOS 15/ VoiceOver. This app was tested with the German interface. Both ways of providing an extented description are accessible.

Test results for Extended Descriptions
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
extdescription-010 Detection and Utilization of HTML Details and Summary elements Check if you can use HTML details and summary successfully and read the extended description contained in it. Pass I can expand the details element and read the extended description. By collapsing the element I can continue reading at the last reading position. When using the read aloud feature the extended description will always be read aloud regardless of whether the details element is expanded or collapsed.
extdescription-020 Technique for linking to a single extended description placed in a separate HTML file via text hyperlinks Check if activating the hyperlink placed under the image takes you to a separate HTML file with extended descriptions, and the back link there brings you back to the image. Pass I can activate the link and read the extended description placed in a separate HTML file. Through the link back to the main content I reach the same location where I left off. This only works by using an assistive technology.

Results for Basic Functionality: 86.67%

Last updated: 1 July 2024

Test book used: Fundamental Accessibility Tests: Basic Functionality, version 2.0.0 .

Test results for Basic Functionality
Test ID Name Description Result Notes
file-010 Operating system/Platform accessibility: If you are using a hardware device, it can be started independently and essential accessibility for starting and exiting applications is available. Pass Yes, the hardware device can be started and switched off independently.
file-110 The reading system can be activated independently If you are using a reading app that requires you to create an online account then the complete getting started process should be accessible. Pass The complete process of creating an account for EasyReader can be undertaken without any help. All fields of the UI are accessible.
file-210 Open content Open the Fundamental Accessibility Test book in the reading system. Pass Without any problem you can import and open books. When having multiple books, I can switch between them via „menu“ > „my books“.
file-310 Access list of available content in the reading system Check if you can navigate inside the bookshelf. Pass Within „my books“ I can access the books. In the library view I can access different online library catalogs. I wanted to test wether I can access my books lent at the dzb lesen but the log-in didn’t work. The reading software indicates that the user name or password is incorrect.
nav-005 The table of contents in the app presents the content hierarchy Check if the table of Contents is accessible and its hierarchy is presented correctly by the reading system Pass When navigating by headings the screen reader announces the heading level as well.
nav-010 Navigate to chapters through the Table of Contents Check if you can navigate to a section by using the table of contents. Pass Through the TOC you can navigate by headings, pages or bookmarks. By selecting a specific chapter, the focus has moved to the desired section of the book.
nav-110 Navigate content by pages Check if you can navigate the content by pages. Pass I can use the „move forward“- and „move backward“- command in order to navigate to the next/previous page. I could also select and navigate to a page by using the page list-feature. However, I could not find a „Go to Page“-feature.
nav-210 Navigate forward and backward through reflowed content Use any control or command to navigate forward and backwards in the book content. Pass By using the „move forward/backward“-command I could navigate in both directions.
nav-310 Read navigation information Use the "Where am I?" or any other similar command available in the reading system and check if you can get information about your current position in the book. Pass In the menu a „Where am I?“-command is provided. By using the command the current heading and page as well as the percentage read are conveyed. Through „OK“ I can resume reading from the last position.
nav-410 Perform a search, review the search results Perform a search, review the search results and navigate to the selected search result in the content. Pass In the search bar I typed in „Taj Mahal“. One search result was presented. I could not find out how to navigate to the other search results. By using the link available there I could return to the test.
nav-510 Move across chapters without using TOC Check if you can move across chapters without having to use the Table of Contents. Pass You can select this kind of navigation. There, among others, the option „headings“ is provided. When activated, you can move across chapters.
anno-010 Add a Bookmark or Highlight Some reading systems may have a Highlight feature in place of Bookmarks. The tests for Bookmarks may then be performed with Highlights. Pass The reading software provides a bookmark feature. By double clicking, you get the message that a bookmark was set. Via „OK“ you confirm the bookmark.
anno-110 Review and navigate Bookmarks or Highlights Check if you can review and navigate Bookmarks or Highlights. Pass I can review and navigate to bookmarks. The focus is on the desired section where the bookmark was set.
anno-210 Add a note Add a Note at this location in the book. Provide a few lines of text in the Note. Fail I could not find a note feature.
anno-310 Review and navigate Notes Check if you can review and navigate Notes. Fail Because there is no note feature provided, I could not conduct this test.